On the 90th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s visit to Irinjalakuda, we fondly remember that Rosie, the eldest daughter of Konikara Thomas, who was just five years old at the time, had the honor of garlanding the Father of the Nation. Today, as she approaches her 95th birthday, we reflect with pride on this special moment in history.

On January 17, 1934, Gandhiji visited Iringalakuda to collect Harijan funds. At the public meeting in Chaliyampadam, Rosie had the privilege of welcoming Gandhiji with garlands. This opportunity arose through Rosie’s paternal brother Kochapu, an active Congress worker and a devoted follower of Gandhiji. Despite being his niece, Rosie held a special place in Kochapu’s heart. It was during one of their regular evening walks that Rosie discovered her fortunate role in garlanding Gandhiji.

Rosie vividly recalls the unforgettable day when she navigated through the bustling crowd to greet Gandhiji, cherishing the heartwarming smile that adorned his face.

In a gesture of honor, NIEDS presented Rosie with flowers for her garlanded hands. President Thomas Unniadan further recognized Rosie’s contribution by gifting her a bouquet and adorning her with a shawl. During the ceremony, office bearers Ghulam Muhammad, K.P. Devadas, P.K. Johnson, PT. George, Rinas Thanikaparamban, E.P. Sahadevan, John Gracious, and Subhash Konikara expressed their sentiments and shared reflections.

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